Council integrity

Read the Summary of personal interest returns, Councillor expenses, and the Conflicts of Interest register.

Council Integrity Overview

Moorabool Shire Council understands its responsibility to be transparent and accountable to its residents. On this page, you will find information about the summary of personal interest returns, Councillor expenses, and the Conflicts of Interest register.

Model Councillor Code of Conduct

From 26 October 2024, all Councillors are required to observe the Model Councillor Code of Conduct.

The Model Councillor Code of Conduct replaces the previous statutory requirement for each Council to develop its own Councillor Code of Conduct.

The Model Councillor Code of Conduct establishes clear standards for the behaviour and responsibilities of Councillors. Its purpose is to ensure that Councillors can effectively perform their duties and functions, supporting the Council in its overriding role to provide good governance for the benefit and wellbeing of the municipal community.

By setting these expectations, Councillors are better equipped to perform their duties in a manner that reflects the values of integrity, transparency, respect and accountability.

Model Councillor Code of Conduct(PDF, 70KB)

Personal Interest Returns

The Local Government Act 2020 requires Councilors, members of delegated committees and key council staff to submit a record of their personal interests to the Chief Executive Officer upon commencement of their position as well as twice yearly for the duration of their position. Summaries of these returns are below and are available for inspection at Council offices.

Declaring of personal interests is done so the public can see the shareholdings, trusts, business associations or other private interests of the people making decisions at Council. It is one way to ensure Councillors and other key people are transparently acting in an impartial manner for the benefit of the community and not for personal gain.

An initial personal interests return must be completed within 30 days of taking the oath of affirmation (for Councillors) or appointment (for staff and members of delegated committees). Further returns must be completed twice per year for the entire period that the position is held.

Summaries of most recent Initial and Biannual Personal Interests Returns are provided below.

Initial Personal Interests Return Summary 2025(PDF, 168KB)

Summary of Biannual Personal Interests Returns - September 2024(PDF, 342KB)

Councillor Expenses


 Councillors  Car Mileage   Travel   Childcare    Info/Comms    Memberships   Training       Total       
 Cr Edwards   -  -  -  356  -  -  356
 Cr Sullivan  1,125  -  -  518  -  -  1,644 
 Cr Dudzik  -  -  -  519  82  -  601
 Cr Tatchell  -  -  -  694  -  -  694
 Cr Ward  6,432   20  -  260  -  771  7,482
 Cr Berry  -  -  -  519  82  1,359  1,960
 Cr Munari  -  -  -  518  -  678  1,196
 Total  7,557  20  -  3,384   164   2,758  13,933 



 Councillors   Travel  Car Mileage   Childcare   Info/Comms   Training   Total 
 Cr Edwards   -  -  -  454  -    454
 Cr Sullivan  -  -  -  627  -  627
 Cr Dudzik  -  -  -  603  -  603
 Cr Tatchell  -  -  -  832  -  832
 Cr Ward  -  -  -  595  -  595
 Cr Berry  -  -  -  628  -  628
 Cr Munari  -  -  -  616  -  616
 Total       4354   4354


 Councillor   Travel   Car Mileage   Childcare   Info/Comms   Training   Tota
 Cr Edwards         346    346
 Cr Sullivan        751    751
 Cr Dudzik        403    403
 Cr Tatchell        699    699
 Cr Bingham        692    692
 Cr Borgelt        334    334
 Cr Ward        198    198
 Cr Berry        376    376
 Cr Munari        239    239
 Cr Keogh        466    466
 Total        4503    4503


 Councillor   Travel  Car Mileage  Childcare   Info/Comms   Training   Total
Cr Edwards - - - 189 - 189
Cr Toohey - - - 708 - 708
Cr Sullivan - - - 310 - 310
Cr Dudzik - - - 250 - 250
Cr Tatchell - - - 409 - 409
Cr Bingham - - - 268 - 268
Cr Borgelt - - - 186 - 186
Cr.Keogh - - - 294 - 294
Total - - - 2,614 - 2,614



 Councillor    Travel Car Mileage   Childcare   Info/Comms   Training   Total
Cr. Edwards - - - 306 - 306
Cr. Toohey - - - 1,459 893 2,352
Cr. Sullivan - - - 441 - 441
Cr. Dudzik - - - 358 - 358
Cr. Tatchell - - - 949 - 949
Cr Bingham  - - - 372 - 372
Cr. Keogh - - - 479 - 479
Total - - - 4,365 893 5,259



 Councillor    Travel  Car Mileage   Childcare   Info/Comms   Training   Total
Cr. Edwards - -               - 428 2,085 2,512
Cr. Toohey - - - 1,642 - 1,642
Cr. Sullivan - - - 352 450 802
Cr. Dudzik - - - 453 - 453
Cr. Tatchell - - - 1,035 1,293 2,328
Cr. Bingham - 251 - 412 - 663
Cr. Keogh - - - 420 1,200 1,620
Total - 251 - 4,740 5,027 10,019



Conflicts of Interest

Conflict of Interest laws are prescribed under the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act) and in the Local Government (Governance and Integrity) Regulations 2020 (the Regulations). Managing conflicts of interest is about ensuring the integrity and transparency of decision-making.