We have developed the following service commitments to ensure the consistent and timely delivery of community services in a transparent and responsible manner.
These standards help inform you of what you can expect when dealing with Council.
We will initiate an investigation into reports of dog attacks against people or animals within 24 hours of a report being received.
We will process new dog and cat registration applications within 5 working days of a completed application and payment being received.
We will respond to any urgent livestock complaints which have resulted in trespass onto Council controlled land or roads within 1 day report has been received.
We will audit every registered domestic animal business annually to ensure compliance with relevant codes of practice.
We will action requests for bin repairs in rural areas (all other areas) within 10 days*
We will action requests for bin repairs in urban areas (Bacchus Marsh, Darley, Maddingley, Hopetoun Park) within 3 days*
We will collect missed bins in rural areas (all other areas) within 10 days*
We will collect missed bins in urban areas (Bacchus Marsh, Darley, Maddingley, Hopetoun Park) within 3 days*
We will provide bins to new residential properties within 10 working days of receiving a request and payment. Receipt of relevant occupancy documentation must be provided prior.
We will remove dumped rubbish on council land within 10 working days of a request being received or if required, undertake an investigation.
We will assess and initiate appropriate action for complaints or concerns relating to building works/matters within 10 working days.
We will commence investigations into complaints/concerns relating to dangerous buildings and unfenced pools or spas within 2 working days of a complaint being received.
We will provide property information certificates within 5 working days of an application being received.
We will provide copies of building plans and permits within 7 working days of an application being received. Note that copies may not be available for properties over 40 years old.
We will process applications for dispensations to building regulations within 15 statutory days of a complete application being received.
We will assess a Works Within Road Reserves Permit applications within 10 working days.
We will assess an Asset Protection Permit application within 10 working days of lodgement.
We will assess Build Over Easement applications within 10 working days.
We will provide standard Legal Points of Discharge information within 10 working days of an application being received.
We will remove graffiti on Council owned assets within 10 days of receiving a request (subject to accessibility).
We will remove offensive graffiti on Council owned assets within 48 hours of receiving a request (subject to accessibility).
We will commence investigation for urgent maintenance requests for council buildings within 2 working days of a request.
We will commence investigation for non-urgent maintenance requests for council buildings within 5 working days of a request.
We will complete new septic tank applications and issue permit to install, within 10 working days, following receipt of relevant documentation, payment of fees, and satisfactory inspection.
We will initiate an investigation of public health nuisance concerns within 5 working days of notification.
We will audit registered food premise annually to ensure compliance with the Food Act 1984.
We will respond to Occasional Care enrolments and enquires within working 5 days.
We will provide you, during your home visit, with a schedule of visits for your baby’s two, four and eight week visits
All first-time parents will be invited to attend a new parent group before their child reaches 4 months of age.
We will make contact within 5 working days, following receiving a receipt of a referral to Youth Support, to acknowledge referral and confirm service availability.
We will make contact within 5 working days, following receiving a receipt of a referral to Supported Playgroups, to acknowledge referral and confirm service availability.
We will undertake property inspections for long grass requests during fire danger period in line with the Municipal Fire Management Plan.
We will issue fire prevention notice within 5 days of inspection.
We complete roadside slashing for fire mitigation in line with the Municipal Fire Management Plan.
Tree removal requests will be completed within 30 days of request where removal is deemed necessary.
We will attend to emergency tree situations (e.g. tree fallen onto house or across roads) involving Council land or Council managed trees within 24 hours of a report being received.
We will investigate routine tree maintenance requests on Council land within 30 working days of a request being received.
We will remove fallen branches and trees from Council roads and paths within 5 working day of a report being received.
Any request for a tree on a nature strip, where a tree does not currently exist shall be fulfilled within 24 months via annual tree planting program.
We will complete new health or food business registration applications and issue certificates of registration, within five working days, following receipt of relevant documentation, payment of fees, and satisfactory inspection.
We will assess permits to burn within 10 working days of a request being received.
We will attend to customer requests regarding unregistered or abandoned vehicles on public land within 10 working days of a request being made.
We will respond to parking related concerns within 10 working days of a request being received.
We will undertake property inspections for reports of unsightly property including long grass requests during non-fire danger period within 10 working days of notification.
Any hazard identified within a playground will be made safe within 24 hours.
We will investigate and action general parks maintenance (non-urgent) requests within 30 working days.
Any report of a pest animal on Council property that is deemed to be a hazard will be actioned within 24 hours.
We will maintain roadside vegetation in accordance with our Open Spaces Maintenance Management Plan.
We will refer subdivision applications for certification to external referral authorities within 7 days of lodgement.
We will certify compliant applications within the 49 statutory days.
We will process planning applications within 80 statutory days.
We will process VicSmart planning applications within 10 days.
We will issue copies of rates notices within 5 working days of a request being made.
We will issue standard Land Information Certificates within 5 working days of an application being received.
We will issue urgent Land Information Certificates within 2 working day of an application being received.
We will inspect and make safe hazardous, missing or damaged Council owned pit lids within 24 hours of a report being received.
We will inspect and make safe, dangerous footpaths in accordance with Council's Road Management Plan.
We will inspect and repair Council’s road network in accordance with Council's Road Management Plan.
We will remove dead animals from Council roads and paths within 1 working day of a report being received.
We will remove debris or rubbish from a road or road shoulder where it presents a safety hazard to traffic.
We will investigate blocked council owned drains and pits within 15 working days of a report being received.
Will promote client’s opportunity to maximise their capacity and quality of life through being client-centred and providing opportunities for each client to be actively involved in addressing their goals.
We will recognise and support people with diverse needs and ensure that all clients have equity of access to services and that support is accessible, appropriate and free from discrimination.
We will link service support to assist vulnerable clients with complex care needs to access a range of aged care and other services.
We action incoming referrals within 3 business days.
We will provide accurate and up to date information, in a format you need, when you need it.
We will plan and advocate to ensure needs of the community members are met.
Check out our expected timeframes in answering your enquiries.