Information on what a legal point of discharge is and how do you obtain permission to connect to the stormwater drain.
What is a Legal Point of Discharge?
The Legal Point of discharge is the point specified by Council to which stormwater from a property must be discharged. In urban areas, this would be to Council's stormwater drain or to the kerb and channel. In rural areas it is generally the table drain on an adjacent road, but may include discharge to a dam, natural water course or on-site existing stormwater drainage system of your property will be altered or there will be an impact on the effectiveness of the existing stormwater drainage system. This could mean an increase in volume or flow rate of stormwater.
The below image shows how an urban legal point of discharge would look like

Do I need a Legal Point of Discharge permit?
Under Building Regulations (2018), reg.133 (2) all property owners are legally required to ensure that stormwater drainage from their property is connected to a legal point of discharge, nominated by the Council.
You are required to obtain legal point of discharge information for a building permit where building works include a stormwater drainage system. In most cases, your builder is responsible for completing this process.
You also need to obtain legal point of discharge information if the existing stormwater drainage system of your property will be altered or there will be an impact on the effectiveness of the existing stormwater drainage system. This could mean an increase in volume or flow rate of stormwater.
There is a fee of $231.40
How do I apply?
You can apply by using any of the below methods:
For more information relating to this permit or procedures, please contact Council’s Assets Department on (03) 5366 7100.
What happens next?
Applicants should allow up to 10 working days for their permit to be issued.
Please ensure the information provided on the application form is clear and complete. Incomplete information may extend the time required to process the permit.
What does the permit provide?
You will be sent:
- the location of the Legal Point of Discharge
- information on the Council drain, such as: size, depth and/or offsets relevant to the area nominated in the application form (if applicable)
- a Standard Drawing of the pipe connection required
- a letter detailing additional conditions.
Will this permit tell me where my existing drainage is discharging to?
No. While we have information of where stormwarter should discharge to. We do not receive information about where the properties stormwater is connected to. A plumber would likely be a better option.
Who is responsible for the construction and maintenance of the stormwater pipe from the house to the Council drain?
The property owner is responsible for all stormwater drainage within their property and the section of stormwater drain from the property to the Council drain, as shown on the image.
For further information contact us to speak with a member of the Assets department.