

Please note: the Maddingley standpipe has now moved to Bond Street, Maddingley and only has untreated water available. For treated water in the Bacchus Marsh/Maddingley areas, you will need to contact a local water cartage company.

Moorabool Shire Council has a provision of water from Standpipes throughout the Shire available to Moorabool residents only. There are two types of standpipes, Urban and Rural.

Urban Standpipes

Council has constructed standpipes for untreated water in Maddingley and Ballan.

The standpipes can be accessed with an electronic key which will automatically record the number of litres taken.

Electronic keys can be issued as pre-paid or permanent.

Urban Standpipes Locations

Ballan - Cowie Street, Ballan (in front of the Recreation Reserve) Untreated Bore Water

Maddingley - Bond Street, Maddingley (near Maddingley Park) Untreated River Water

Untreated river water is dependent upon when Southern Rural Water fills the service basin in conjunction with the weekly deliveries to the Bacchus Marsh irrigators. Untreated water may be unavailable on some days.

Urban Standpipe Fees

Ballan Standpipe

Water Type Key Type Deposit Admin Fee Water Price
Untreated Bore Water Pre-paid only $50.00 $14.00/key $3.30/KL


Maddingley Standpipe

Water Type Key Type Deposit Admin Fee Water Price
Untreated River Water Permanent $50.00 $27.00/month used1 $3.30/KL2
Untreated River Water Pre-Paid $50.00 $14.00/key $3.30/KL2

1 Service fee only charged if water taken during that month
2 KL = 1000 Litres

All prices quoted are inclusive of GST


Rural Standpipes

All water obtained from any rural standpipe is free and no keys are required.

Rural Standpipes Locations

Balliang East - Geelong-Bacchus Marsh Road (nearest intersection Davis Lane) Untreated Bore Water

Cargerie - Bamganie Rd (near Doyles Road) Untreated Bore Water

Dunnstown - Ti Tree Road Untreated Bore Water

Greendale - Ballan-Greendale Road (near Egans Reserve) Untreated Bore Water (FIREFIGHTING USE ONLY)


Millbrook - Millbrook-Egerton Road (nearest intersection Donnellans Road) Untreated Bore Water

How to obtain an urban standpipe key

In person

If you wish access an urban standpipe you will require a key, to obtain a key you will need to:

1. Complete the relevant application form - Ballan or Maddingley as well as the statutory declaration.

2. Visit our office

Maddingley standpipe keys available from the Darley Shire Office (182 Halletts Way, Darley).

Ballan standpipe key can be collected from the Ballan Shire Office (15 Stead Street, Ballan).

3. Pay a security deposit of $50 The deposit is fully refundable upon return of the key.

Pre-paid keys: Each pre-paid key has 5000L of water available on it and fees are payable prior to the issuing of a key. Once a key has exhausted the 5000L, the key can be changed over for another pre-paid key.

Permanent keys: Each permanent key will be registered to an individual or organisation who will receive monthly invoices for water taken (if water has been taken during that month). The invoice will be issued from AVDATA.

If customers have any questions about their invoice, AVDATA can be contacted on 1800 020 132 (freecall) or (02) 6262 8111

Operation of Urban Standpipes

The user touches the key to the key recorder on the control panel. If the equipment recognises the key as being valid, the user then presses the 'On' button for the type of water required. When the user has the quantity of water they need they press the 'Off' button.

Maddingley-Standpipe-Operation(PDF, 41KB)

Frequently asked questions

Who is allowed to take water from the standpipe?

Moorabool Shire property owners who do not have access to a reticulated water supply and need water by necessity due to drought.

If your principal place of residence is within an urban area, it will have access to reticulated water. It will not have access to the use of the untreated standpipe water. If you require access to the standpipe water for stock and domestic uses due to drought, you can provide evidence to Council.

A statutory declaration will be required to support an application for the supply of untreated water to urban residents.

How reliable is the water supply?

Urban Standpipes - Untreated river water is dependent upon when Southern Rural Water fills the service basin in conjunction with the weekly deliveries to the Bacchus Marsh irrigators. Untreated water may be unavailable on some days.

Rural Standpipes - the supply is limited and cannot be guaranteed

Are there any restrictions on hours for access to the standpipe?

No. Access is available 24 hours a day every day of the year.

If I need more than one key, do I have to pay the monthly fee on each key?

No. Access is available 24 hours a day every day of the year. Lighting is provided for night time use.

Can I get a key that delivers a fixed amount of water?

Yes. Pre-paid keys that deliver 5KL (5000 Litres) are available. The 5KL can be taken over as many visits as the user likes. When the 5KL limit is reached, the key must be returned to the Council.

Can I get a key that delivers more than 5KL?

No. Changing the amount requires reprogramming of the standpipe electronics. 5KL has been selected as the break-point between occasional low-volume users and more regular high-volume users.

If I only use part of the 5KL on a pre-paid key, can I get a refund on the unused portion?

No, the amounts involved are quite small, and it is not worthwhile for the Council to work out the unused portion.

The price of water is quoted per KL (1000L). If I take part of KL, will I be charged for the whole KL.

No. The meters register in multiples for 0.1KL (100L), so billing will also be in multiples of 0.1KL.