Apply for a permit to alter an onsite wastewater management system

Do you need to alter an onsite wastewater management system? You will need a permit to alter an existing system. 

Types of Permit to Alter

A Permit to Alter is required when works are required to repair or upgrade your system. There are two types of alters:

  • Major alter: Consists of works that adds to or replaces the septic field or modifies the septic tank.
  • Minor alter: Consists only of the installation, replacement or relocation of the internal plumbing, fixtures or fittings of the OWMS.


The associated fees for altering an onsite wastewater management system for the 2023-2024 financial year are below. 

Type Fee
Major alteration $789.20
Minor alteration $608.30
Renewal of permit   $135.70
Transfer of permit $162.15
Amend a permit $169.50
Information request  $163.00
Sample request Cost of sample + 20%






How to apply


Step 1.Contact Council's Planning team

Contact us to determine if you need a planning permit. If a planning permit is required, Council will not issue a permit to alter until the planning permit has been issued.

Step 2.Prepare your application

To submit your application, you will need the following:

  • A detailed floor plan of the dwelling
  • A detailed allotment plan, including the land application area, the location of the OWMS and distances to dams and waterways (if applicable)
  • A Land Capability Assessment (if required)

Step 3.Submit your application

Once you've gathered all documents, submit your application online

Application to install or extend an Onsite Wastewater System


Step 1.Contact Council's Planning team

Contact us to determine if you need a planning permit. If a planning permit is required, Council will not issue a permit to alter until the planning permit has been issued.

Step 2.Prepare your application

To submit your application, you will need the following:

  • A completed application form 
  • A detailed floor plan of the dwelling
  • A detailed allotment plan, including the land application area, the location of the OWMS and distances to dams and waterways (if applicable)
  • A Land Capability Assessment (if required)

Step 3.Submit your application

Once you've gathered all documents, submit your application via email to

Step 4.Payment

Once Council has received your application, you will be contacted by our Customer Service team for payment.

In person

Step 1.Contact Council's Planning team

Contact us to determine if you need a planning permit. If a planning permit is required, a permit to alter will not be issued until the planning permit has been issued. 

Step 2.Prepare your application

To submit your application, you will need the following:

  • A completed application form 
  • A detailed floor plan of the dwelling
  • A detailed allotment plan, including the land application area, the location of the OWMS and distances to dams and waterways (if applicable)
  • A Land Capability Assessment (if required)

Step 3.Submit your application and payment

Submit your application and pay in person at any of Council's Customer Service locations:

Ballan Office 
15 Stead Street, Ballan
Open: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm

Darley Civic and Community Hub 
182 Halletts Way, Darley
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm  

Lerderderg Library 
215 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm
           Saturday 9am-2pm


Step 1.Contact Council's Planning team

Contact us to determine if you need a planning permit. If a planning permit is required, a permit to alter will not be issued until the planning permit has been issued.  

Step 2.Prepare your application

To submit your application, you will need the following:

  • A completed application form 
  • A detailed floor plan of the dwelling
  • A detailed allotment plan, including the land application area, the location of the OWMS and distances to dams and waterways (if applicable)
  • A Land Capability Assessment (if required)

Step 3.Submit your application

Once you've gathered all documents, mail your application to PO Box 18, Ballan, Victoria 3342

Step 4.Payment

Once Council has received your application, you will be contacted by our Customer Service team for payment.

What happens next?

Approval process

Once you submit your application, we have 42 days to process and issue a Permit to Alter. The Permit to Alter is valid for 2 years.

Works for the installation of the septic system can not be started until the Permit to Alter has been issued. Should work start without a permit, we may issue an infringement. When a progress inspection of the alter is required, please contact Council's Environmental Health team at least 48 hours prior to organise the inspection. 

Renewing a Permit to Alter
If your Permit to Alter is about to or has expired, you must submit an Application to Renew a Permit to Council.

Amending a Permit to Alter
If you are changing the effluent field or changing from a primary treatment system to a secondary treatment system, an Application to Amend a Permit must be submitted to Council. 

Approval to Use

For an Approval to Use to be issued, Council requires the following:

  • As laid plan
  • Compliance certificate (if applicable)
  • Manufacturer's commissioning certificate (if applicable)
  • A servicing agreement (if applicable)
  • An electrical certificate (if applicable)
  • A final inspection completed by Council's Environmental Health team