Amendment C085moor proposes to implement the findings of the West Moorabool Heritage Study (Stage 2A Review) by introducing permanent planning controls in the form of the Heritage Overlay into the Moorabool Planning Scheme.
Submissions must include your name and contact address, clearly stating why the amendment is supported or opposed, and indicating what changes (if any) you wish to be made.
Please be aware that submissions are public documents and copies may be made available to any person for the purpose of consideration as part of the planning process. Your personal contact details will not be published with your submission, and your personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
Find out more
You can find out more about the amendment and view the amendment documents on
A fact sheet has been prepared to summarise the details of the amendment and information about the Heritage Overlay, including some frequently asked questions and important definitions. View the factsheet here(PDF, 221KB) .
A heritage citation has been developed for each individually significant place and heritage precinct in the amendment. these citations are included as part of the West Moorabool Heritage Study (Stage 2A Review) document. a heritage citation outlines the history, description, condition, and integrity of a heritage place or precinct. It also includes a Statement of Significance(PDF, 25MB) , which explains the importance of that place and why it is significant. The citation is used by Council when assessing alterations to a heritage place.
Council’s strategic planning team are available to answer questions about the amendment in person, by email or by phone. Meetings can be arranged at Council’s Darley or Ballan offices at any time during the public exhibition period. Meetings can also be arranged for the following locations and dates:
Blackwood Town Hall
Mechanics Institute Reserve,
Byres Road, Blackwood
Tuesday 25 March 2025
Between 11am and 7pm
Gordon Public Hall
68 Main Street, Gordon
Thursday 27 March 2025
Between 11am and 7pm
To discuss the amendment further and make a time to discuss your property, please contact Council’s Strategic Planning Department by phone (03) 5366 7100 or email
For further information on heritage in Moorabool, including details of existing heritage studies, see our Heritage page: Heritage.