Amendment C99 - Underbank Halletts Way Rezoning

Council has prepared Amendment C099moor to the Moorabool Planning Scheme, at the request of Beveridge Williams Consultants on behalf of Plenti Property Pty Ltd.  

The amendment rezones former agricultural land around the intersection of Halletts Way and Adelong Way, Bacchus Marsh (Lot A) from Farming Zone to Neighbourhood Residential Zone – Schedule 9 (NRZ9). The amendment also rezones publicly owned land (RES1 on PS742687, Crown Allotment 2035 and Crown Allotment 2036) along the Werribee River from Farming Zone to Public Park and Recreation Zone.  

If approved, the amendment would allow uses such as a childcare, medical clinic or housing to be built on this site.  

The amendment is a combined planning permit application and planning scheme amendment under section 96A of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and includes a planning permit application to subdivide Lot A into five lots.  

The amendment proposes to:  

  • rezone Lot A on PS821090T from Farming Zone (FZ) to Neighbourhood Residential Zone – Schedule 9 (NRZ9)  

  • rezone Lot RES1 on PS742687, Crown Allotment 2035 and Crown Allotment 2036 to Public Park and Recreation Zone (PPRZ).  

  • delete the Design and Development Overlay – Schedule 2 (DDO2) from Lot A on PS821090T.  

  • apply the Development Plan Overlay – Schedule 8 (DPO8) to Lot A on PS821090T.  

Have your say 

The Amendment is on public exhibition from 21 March to 4 May 2025

The best way to have your say is to make a submission while the Amendment is on public exhibition.  

Submissions can be made in the following ways; 


Via Council’s Have Your Say webpage:

Have Your Say



Moorabool Shire Council,

PO Box 18, Ballan VIC 3342,

with the subject “Submission Planning Scheme Amendment C099moor attention Manager Growth and Development” 

Submissions must include your name and contact address, clearly stating why the amendment is supported or opposed, and indicating what changes (if any) you wish to be made.  

Please be aware that submissions are public documents and copies may be made available to any person for the purpose of consideration as part of the planning process. Your personal contact details will not be published with your submission, and your personal information will be managed in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. 

Find out more 

You can find out more about the amendment and view the amendment documents by visiting Council’s Have Your Say webpage  


on the Department of Transport and Planning website 

Hard copies of all Amendment documents can be viewed at Council’s Darley or Ballan offices, the Lerderderg Library or can be posted to you upon request.