
It is the occupants responsibility to keep the nature strip safe and maintained.  

Council is responsible for maintaining nature strips at town entrances and high-profile areas. We are also responsible for the street trees planted on the nature strip.

A Naturestrip Policy and Guideline has been developed to provide residents with an overview of the responsibilities of both Council and the community, as well as information on renovation works which are permitted to be undertaken within the nature strip area. and when a permit is required. These documents apply to nature strips in residential areas in Bacchus Marsh and Ballan.   

    When you must apply for a permit

    You must apply for a naturestrip permit if you want to make any changes to the naturestrip (excluding natural turf and grass).

    Nature strip works and other works that require a permit

    The following is a list of common naturestrip works that require a permit:

    • Planting of small shrubs
    • Mulching around shrubs and plants
    • Installation of compacted gravel/sand

    Any other works may also require additional permits. Please contact us for further information.

    Application checklist

    Before you submit a permit application, firstly you must:

    • Confirm whether there are any underground services beneath your naturestrip - visit the Dial Before You Dig website
    • Confirm your nature strip is in an area that is permitted to be landscaped (Bacchus Marsh and Ballan residential zoned land). Some areas are cultural heritage protected areas, main roads, or outside town boundaries (where speed zone greater than 60km per hour) which are not permitted to be landscaped. To confirm this check the Policy and Guideline or contact Council to confirm
    • If it is a rental property, you should seek permission from the property owner
    • Ensure you are familiar with the Naturestrip Policy and Guideline which provide information on permitted and non-permitted landscape works

    How to apply



    If you do not have access to the online registration portal please contact us to speak with a member of the Assets team on 5366 7100

    What happens next?

    If approved, we will email your permit within 10 working days.

    Once you have received your permit, you can start your naturestrip works. You cannot start any naturestrip works (including the delivery of any materials and equipment) until a permit is granted.

    Your permit will be valid for 3 months from the date of issue.