Flood and storm planning
Flood and storm events can occur at short notice and can have devastating outcomes. It's important to be prepared, so we have compiled the below information and references to support your planning.
The VicSES historical flood information and local flood guide and the VicSES Moorabool Flood Emergency Plan are available to support with preparation for flood and storm events.
For resources and support for flood and storm events visit the Red Cross RediPlan website.
Power outages
You should plan for loss of power as part of your flood and storm planning. During flood and storm emergencies, Powercor has advised it will keep customers updated on estimated restoration times on the outage map and via SMS.
Advice on what to do before, during and after floods is available on the Powercor website: Electrical safety and floods.
Tips on preparing for power outages are available from CitiPower and Powercor: Be prepared for outages
The VicSES website has information on how to sandbag and where you can collect sand and/or sandbags from before and during emergencies. Check the Moorabool Shire Council facebook page for current information on whether sandbags are available.
Agriculture and farms
Agriculture Victoria's website has a range of practical flood and storm information for farmers, and helpful information on what to do before, during and after after a flood or storm.
The Rural Financial Counselling Service remains available for farmers seeking support and can be contacted on 1300 771 741
VicRoads roads
For details on VicRoads managed roads and traffic changes, visit the VicTraffic website.
Report it
Do you need to report a flooded road or fallen tree across a road? Follow the diagram below to find out which agency should be contacted.