Grow West Community Planting Day 2024

Next date: Sunday, 21 July 2024 | 09:30 AM to 04:00 PM


Grow West is excited to be partnering with Moorabool Shire Council to revisit and improve Telford Park, Darley on Wurundjeri Land. This year's community planting day will be Grow West's 18th planting event, focusing on in-fill planting and providing a good mid-story habitat for insects and birds, as well as providing necessary habitat linkages with the Lerderderg River and other patches of nearby vegetation. 

This site would have originally been classed as a Grassy Woodland, as per the ecological vegetation class (EVC) model. Nowadays, this site is extremely altered due to historic human disturbances to the land, so it will benefit greatly from a community planting day. 

Let your friends and family know about this great opportunity to improve your local environment and meet other like-minded individuals! Please click the link on the right-hand side to register.

Frequently Askes Questions

How do I register?

Registration online at Humanitix: Register here for FREE 

Every person who attends the planting day needs to be registered. Registration makes it possible for the organising committee to plan for catering, allocating number of volunteers to teams and organising tools and plants for the day.


How will the day be organised?

Volunteers will be allocated to a small team of about 20 people who will work together under the guidance of a team leader. The team leader will demonstrate the method of planting to be used on this site.

What will I be doing?

We are helping to revegetate to provide habitat connectivity and enhance vegetation cover. You may be asked to help with tasks such as: delivering and laying out of plants and tree guards in your nominated planting zone; assembling tree guards; planting in holes; installing tree guards; quality control inspections; watering; and gathering of tools, spare plants and tree guards at the end of your planting session.

What should I bring/wear?

Please bring along a raincoat, warm clothing, hat, clean and sturdy footwear. It would be helpful to bring along gardening gloves. Make sure you clearly label your personal items.

Do I, along with family or friends, need to register and inform if I need to cancel?

To cancel your attendance, simply hop online and cancel your online booking or let the Event Coordinator know via email. Your cancellation may make it possible for someone else to attend.


Is the project environmentally friendly?

Planting trees couldn’t be any more environmentally responsible. We also ask you to bring your own water bottle, thermos, and coffee/mugs to save on using throwaways.

What about meals on the day?

Please indicate any dietary requirements when registering. To minimise waste, please bring your own water bottle, thermos and mug/coffee cup. We will be providing morning and afternoon tea and lunch.


Can children attend the day?

School aged children are most welcome to participate, however any person under the age of 18 is the responsibility of adults they attend with and should be supervised at all times. It is also important that children are supervised for their safety. During planting, supervision ensures that the right planting technique is undertaken for optimum plant survival.

How fit do I need to be?

A reasonable level of fitness will be necessary for you to be involved in the planting activities. Tasks may include carrying plants, and planting seedlings. Jobs are allocated depending on an understanding of your fitness or physical capabilities. There are also important jobs that don’t require much walking or physical activity, such as making up tree guards.

What about my safety?

A thorough safety audit is prepared for the day. There will also be qualified first aid support at all times. All participants will also need to practice due care and take responsibility for their own safety. Don’t forget to bring adequate sun protection, sturdy footwear and warm clothing.

Will there be public liability insurance cover?

Yes, the organising committee arranges normal public liability insurance for the day.

What will the weather be like?

Being winter and the nature of the site, it is likely to be cold and may be windy. We advise that you come prepared for all weather conditions, but highly recommend you bring along warm clothing. Visit for more information about the weather forecast for the area.

Am I allowed to bring my dog to the planting day?

For the comfort and safety of all participants, only service dogs are permitted at the planting day.

Lost property?

On occasions, personal items of clothing, drink bottles or planting equipment are left behind after the planting day. We will endeavour to return property but please ensure that you clearly identify all your personal items.


  • Sunday, 21 July 2024 | 09:30 AM - 04:00 PM


Parking onsite at 88 Wittick St. Follow the signs and instructions by parking attendants.

Telford Park, 88 Wittick St, Darley, 3340, View Map

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