Next date: Monday, 24 March 2025 | 05:00 PM to 06:00 PM
YAG is a space for young people to express their ideas for our community. It is set up to give youth a voice and engage in local issues and initiatives.
The Youth Action Group (YAG) is comprised of young people between the ages of 12-25 who live, study or work in Moorabool Shire.
The YAG contains young people who are driven to share their perspectives and contribute to their community. As an action group, members of YAG will also have access to leadership workshops and unique opportunities to represent young people in Moorabool.
YAG meets fortnightly during school terms on Monday afternoons from 5-6pm in-person at the Darley Civic & Community Hub, right near Studio 22, and we have gone online!
Register your interest here: YAG Registration Form
Find out more about being a member of the YAG by checking out this position description: Youth-Action-Group-YAG-Position-Description-2025.pdf(PDF, 752KB)
Any questions? Get in touch!
Darley Civic & Community Hub, 182 Halletts Way, Darley, 3340, View Map
182 Halletts Way , Darley 3340