Order new, additional or replacement bins

New waste service

Waste collection services (garbage, recycling and/or greenwaste) for a newly constructed property will require you to provide an occupancy permit within the application process.

Please note: greenwaste is an optional service for urban areas only such as Bacchus Marsh, Maddingley, Ballan township, and Hopetoun Park.

Additional bins

You can order additional garbage and recycling bins, and/or a greenwaste bin.  
Please note: garbage and recycling bins are offered as a package and may not be ordered separately.

Replacement bins

When a bin is damaged beyond repair, you can order a replacement. 

How to apply


The easiest way to request a new or additional bin, or request a bin replacement for damage is to use our online form.

Request a new bin, waste service, or replacement bin


Step 1.Complete an application form

Download the application form and complete all sections.

Step 2.Submit your application

Submit your application via email to info@moorabool.vic.gov.au
The application will be reviewed and we will be in contact if required. 

Step 3.Payment

Once your application is received one of our Customer Service team members will call to take payment over the phone if required.

In person

Step 1.Complete an application form

Download the application form and complete all sections.

Step 2.Submit your application

You can submit your application and pay the application fee if required at any of the following locations:

Ballan Office 
15 Stead Street, Ballan
Open: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm

Darley Civic and Community Hub 
182 Halletts Way, Darley
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm  

Lerderderg Library 
215 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm
           Saturday 9am-2pm


Step 1.Complete an application form

Download the application form and complete all sections.

Step 2.Submit your application

Mail your application to PO Box 18, Ballan, Victoria 3342

Step 3.Payment

Once your application is received one of our Customer Service team members will call to take payment over the phone if required.

What happens next?

We will process your application and contact you if we need any further information. New or replacement bins will be delivered within 10 business days.

Waste service charges 2024-25

This table provides a summary of Council's waste service charges. This information is updated every financial year. 

Waste management service charge


  • Relates to all rateable properties in the Shire

  • Supplying and servicing all street, park, and reserve litter bins

  • Collection of loose litter, rubbish spills, etc (shire wide) as requested/advised by ratepayers/residents

  • Mechanical sweeping of roads, channels, and footpaths to reduce litter and waste

  • Compliance costs to enforce laws relating to littering and dumping of waste

  • Transfer Station infrastructure

Kerbside garbage

Annual collection cost
(pro rata)

120L weekly collection (urban) or
240L fortnightly collection (rural)


Kerbside recycling

Annual collection costs
(pro rata)

240L fortnightly collection of recycling (urban / rural)


Kerbside greenwaste

Annual collection costs
(pro rata)

240L fortnightly collection of greenwaste (urban areas only, opt in service)


State landfill levy (all rateable properties)
