Useful links for businesses
The Economic Development team provides advice and support to local businesses to help them start and grow.
To discuss how we can support your business, please email
Industry Links
Below is a list of links to help you with your business.
Agriculture Victoria
Agriculture Victoria works in partnership with farmers, industry and community to grow and secure Victoria's agriculture. They offer support and resources including grants, funding and online courses.
The ABS can help you understand and use statistics to make informed decisions. Along with free statistics, it also provides information and services on a wide range of economic, social and environmental matters.
The Australian Business Register (ABR) is an extensive database that has information provided by businesses when they register for an Australian business number (ABN).
The ACCC promotes competition and fair trade in the marketplace to benefit consumers, businesses and the community. It also regulates national infrastructure services. Its primary responsibility is to ensure individuals and businesses comply with Commonwealth competition, fair trading and consumer protection laws.
The Australian Taxation Office is the Federal Government's principal revenue collection agency and is part of the Treasurer's portfolio. Its role is to manage and shape tax, excise and superannuation systems that fund services for Australians.
Business Enterprise Centres throughout Australia offer businesses a range of services and help. Whether you are starting a new business or wanting to improve your existing one, your local BEC office can provide support.
Business Victoria is a comprehensive online resource designed to help you start, run and grow your business.
As the regulator for Victoria’s consumers, Consumer Affairs Victoria's purpose is to help Victorians be responsible and informed traders and consumers.
This department is a whole-of-government service providing essential information on planning, starting and growing your business.
Moorabool Shire Grants Hub
The grants hub provides a list of funding and grant opportunities that can help community groups, businesses and individuals.
Regional Development Victoria
Regional Development Australia brings together all levels of government, business and community to support the development of regional Australia. The Victorian RDA supports the development of regional Victoria through grants, funding and a number of other resources.
The Victorian Small Business Commission provides free webinars, news and publications, information sheets and brochures, and information about upcoming events.
The Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry supports businesses through services across workplace relations, health, safety and environment, training and apprenticeships, career development and exporting services.
WorkSafe Victoria works with the community to deliver workplace safety with quality care and insurance protection to workers and employers.
Prior to using the above services please review our disclaimer.