Food safety

All food businesses must comply with the Food Act 1984.

Food safety programs

All registered Class 1 and some Class 2 premises in Victoria are required to have a food safety program. A food safety program is a written plan that shows what a business does to ensure that the food that they prepare and sell is safe for people to eat.

Class 1 premises have an independent food safety program that is tailored to all the food handling activities that occur at the premises. For more information about Class 1 food safety programs, please visit the Department of Health’s website.

Class 2 premises that conduct the following require a food safety program:  

  • Sous vide
  • Sushi
  • A fermentation process
  • Cured meats
  • A final product that contains raw egg
  • Offsite catering
  • Manufacturing

Premises that use an independent food safety program must have their program audited by an approved Department of Health auditor and must have a yearly audit of their premises and food safety program.

Food Safety Supervisors

A food safety supervisor’s role at the food premises is to recognise, prevent, and lessen hazards linked with the handling of food.

All Class 1, Class 2, and Class 3A must have a food safety supervisor who has completed training with a registered training organisation. Please be aware that there are different training requirements for Class 1 premises.

For further information please visit the Department of Health’s website.


You will require an approved sanitiser for use on food contact surfaces. There are only 2 approved by the Department of Health. It is recommended that you use a Food Grade No Rinse Sanitiser that contains a quaternary ammonium compound (also known as a quat-sanitiser). A bleach-based sanitiser can also be used, however; it must be correctly diluted and made up daily.     

Probe Thermometers

A digital probe thermometer is required so that you can accurately measure the temperature of your food. Although surface guns are gaining in popularity, the only way to be sure your food is kept at the correct temperature is with a probe.