Make a complaint about a food business

Following the correct procedures is vital when you are preparing or selling food. All food businesses and mobile stalls in Victoria must comply with the Food Act 1984.

Our Environmental Health Team inspects all food businesses registered in the shire to ensure that it is complying with the Food Act. They also provide advice to business owners and respond to complaints from the public.   

You can contact Council to make a complaint if you believe that you have:

  • Purchased food that is not safe to eat
  • Become ill from eating food that you have purchased from a food business
  • Seen unsafe food handling practices.

How to make a complaint

When investigating a food poisoning complaint, Council will require the following information as part of the investigation:

  • A three day food history, detailing everything you ate and drank three days prior to becoming ill. A three day food history may also be required for the people you ate with
  • A stool sample
  • A food sample, if you have leftovers of the food in question.


Online complaints are monitored Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm.

Submit an online complaint


Send us an email anytime to

Emails are monitored during business hours and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.


Mail your complaint to: PO BOX 18, Ballan, Victoria 3342

In person

You can make a complaint in person at any of the following locations:

Ballan Office 
15 Stead Street, Ballan
Open: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm

Darley Civic and Community Hub 
182 Halletts Way, Darley
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm  

Lerderderg Library 
215 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm
           Saturday 9am-2pm

Food Poisoning

Food poisoning is caused by eating contaminated food and affects a large number of Australians every year. Food can be contaminated when it is handled, stored, or prepared incorrectly. Some foods carry a higher risk of causing food poisoning, and some people are more at risk of getting food poisoning than others.

Some food poisoning myths include:

  • The last meal you ate is the cause of your food poisoning.
  • The food that tasted 'off' gave you food poisoning.
  • Only restaurant food can give you food poisoning.
  • Your nose can smell when food is off.

It can take up to 72 hours for your first symptoms of food poisoning to develop.