Neighborhood noise

If you are experiencing ongoing and unreasonable noise in a residential area there are a few things you can do before making a formal complaint to Council.

Many residential complaints can be easily resolved by talking to your neighbour or the business that is creating the noise they may not be aware that they are disturbing you. 

The EPA has developed a guide called annoyed by noise for tips on talking to your neighbours. If you are experiencing ongoing and unreasonable noise in a residential area, there are several ways to fix the problem.

If you don't feel comfortable speaking with your neighbour we have developed a sample letter to help you write a letter you can put in their mailbox.

If after speaking to your neighbour or the business the noise is still ongoing and unreasonable, you can lodge a formal complaint.

Dealing with noise complaints are different depending on where the noise is coming from. 

Barking dogs

If a barking dog is a recurring issue and you're unable to resolve it with the owner, you can report it to us.  

For more information and to report an issue, see Barking dogs.

Building and construction

Many residents have concerns about excessive noise from building and construction sites, affecting their daily life.

Under Council's local law, construction works are permitted:

  • Mondays to Fridays 7am to 8pm
  • Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays 9am to 8pm

There may be some circumstances that require construction work outside of these times. In these instances, the builder is required to notify surrounding residents and businesses at least two business days in advance.

Noise from building sites, including drilling, sawing, jack hammering and truck movements, is allowed during the permitted hours above, therefor Council is restricted in our ability to deal with noise during these times.

If you are being unreasonably impacted by construction noise, the best first step is to contact the builder. If the issue is happening outside the above guidelines and you require assistance you can log a report with us to investigate. 

Industrial businesses

If your concerns involve an industrial business, you will need to lodge a complaint with the Environmental Protection Authority.

Livestock noise

When animals disturb neighbours with noise, a Council Officer can use various legislation relevant to the type and location of the animal to investigate the matter.

It’s an offence for the person living in the house to let their animals make persistent noise that disturbs people.  

The best way to try and resolve the situation is to approach your neighbour and come up with a solution together.

If after talking to your neighbour the noise is still impacting you, you can report it to us to investigate.

Residential noise

It's an offence to make unreasonable noise from a residence. In general, you cannot make unreasonable noise:

  • Monday to Friday: before 7am or after 9pm*
  • On weekends and public holidays: before 9am or after 10pm*

*Time restrictions depend on what's causing the noise. Visit the EPA website for more detail on time restrictions for residential noise.

It’s best to talk to your neighbour before you report the issue as it will often resolve the issue more quickly. Residential noise includes noise coming from a residence such as:

  • reoccuring music
  • air conditioning unit noise
  • reoccuring parties

Vehicles and machinery

If you are impacted by noise of loud vehicles on a property such as unnecessary revving, the best way to try and resolve the situation is to approach your neighbour and come up with a solution together.

If after talking to your neighbour the noise is still impacting you, you can report it to us to investigate.

If you're impacted by the noise of loud vehicles driving in the streets, you should report this to Victoria Police.

To make a noise complaint let us know using any of the below methods:


Step 1.Talk to your neighbour

If you are effected by noise, you should attempt to resolve it by talking to your neighbour or the business making the noise first.

Step 2.Let us know

If you are still effected by noise you can lodge a complaint with us to investigate.

Make a noise complaint


Step 1.Talk to your neighbour

If you are affected by noise, you should attempt to resolve it by talking to your neighbour or the business making the noise first.

Step 2.Let us know

If you are still affected by noise you can lodge a complaint with us to investigate.

You can email us at


Step 1.Talk to your neighbour

If you are affected by noise, you should attempt to resolve it by talking to your neighbour or the business making the noise first.

Step 2.Let us know

If you are still affected by noise you can lodge a complaint with us to investigate.

You can call us on 03 5366 7100

In person

Step 1.Talk to your neighbour

If you are affected by noise, you should attempt to resolve it by talking to your neighbour or the business making the noise first.

Step 2.Let us know

If you are still affected by noise you can lodge a complaint with us to investigate. You can visit any of the following locations:

Ballan Office
15 Stead Street, Ballan
Open: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm

Darley Civic and Community Hub 
182 Halletts Way, Darley
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm

Lerderderg Library 
215 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh
Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm
           Saturday 9am-2pm


Step 1.Talk to your neighbour

If you are effected by noise, you should attempt to resolve it by talking to your neighbour or the business making the noise first.

Step 2.Let us know

If you are still effected by noise you can lodge a complaint with us to investigate.


What happens next?

Once we've received your noise complaint our staff will investigate the matter.

All noise complaints lodged with Council for investigation are dealt with confidentially. However, if the matter is serious enough you may be required to give evidence under oath before a Court if proceedings are instigated.