Permit to burn outside of fire season

In order to burn off green waste in an open-air fire outside of fire season, you will need to apply for a permit.

  • Properties within township areas - Outside the declared fire danger period (as stipulated each year by the CFA), properties within township areas require a local law permit to burn.
  • Properties outside the township areas - Outside the declared fire danger period (as stipulated each year by the CFA), properties outside the township areas do not require a permit to burn, however please ensure you are following the guidelines on the CFA website: Burning Off CFA (Country Fire Authority)

If you are not sure if you are within a township area please check the below township maps.

Residents are encouraged to take grass clippings, branches etc to the tip, as burning within the township creates dense smoke and often results in complaints from neighbours.

Residents who plan to burn off should contact the Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA) via phone 1800 668 511 or in writing by filling out a Burn Off Notification Form on the CFA website. Unregistered burn-offs can cause brigades to be called out unnecessarily.

If you plan to burn off during the declared fire danger period you will need to contact the CFA. See the CFA website for more information Fire Danger Period Permits | CFA (Country Fire Authority)

Please note: Permits will only be granted in circumstances where there is no reasonable option to dispose of green waste, such as using a green waste bin, or delivering the waste to the transfer station.

Permits will only be considered in heavily populated areas or dense commercial or industrial areas where all other options have been exhausted.

How to apply


Step 1.Complete an application form

Download an application form from the panel on the right and complete all sections.

Step 2.Submit your application

Submit your application via email to

In person


What happens next?

We will asses your application and be in touch within 10 business days.

For further information please contact us to speak with a member of the Community Safety team.