Active ageing directory

Below are some useful services for older people living in the shire.

Accessible Parking Permits If you require a new permit, or need to renew or replace your existing permit, you will need to apply via this application process
Accommodation Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG) 
Aged care advocacy

Free and confidential service promoting the rights of people receiving aged care services. Free call 1800 700 600

Advocacy services can:

  • Provide you with information and advice about your rights and responsibilities
  • Support you in decisions affecting your life
  • Help you resolve problems or complaints in relation to aged care services
  • Promote the rights of older people to the wider community

Council of The Aged (COTA)

Seniors Rights Victoria

Assert 4 all

Advocacy promoting rights, social and economic inclusion for all.

Assert4all advocacy area includes Golden Plains and Bacchus Marsh.

Phone 1300 942 773 or read more on the website.


Carer Gateway 1800 422 737 8am-5pm Monday-Friday 

Carers Victoria


This access and support service provides short term support for older people, younger people with a disability, and their carers who:

  • Need help to stay living at home
  • Have diverse needs such as cultural and linguistically diverse background, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, homeless/at risk of homelessness, living in isolated or remote areas
  • Need help to access services
  • Available through Centacare Ballarat in Central Highlands catchment

Phone 5337 8999 or read more on the website

Consumer transport

Volunteers providing transport services to people in our community.

Program Co-ordinator

Phone 5367 9125 

See website for more information.

Home care provider

Care finders is a free government service. It exists to support vulnerable people who have no one else who can support them – to learn about, apply for and set up support services.

My Aged Care - help find a care finder

Local Health Services

Western Health

  • Find details of Western Health consumer transport program where volunteer drivers provide door to door transport for eligible consumers to attend medical appointments and shopping. Priority is given to transport requests from clients to attend medical appointments.
  • Community Nursing can be contacted on 5367 9839 or fax referrals to 5367 4274.
  • Health Coach, smoking cessation and Dementia Support nurse available in the shire.
  • Aboriginal Integrated Team Care Program reaches out to those who identify as Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander in Bacchus Marsh, Hopetoun Park, Darley and Maddingley. Phone 9361 9300
  • Health Promotion works in schools, early years settings, sporting clubs and the broader community to support health eating, active living, mental health, vaping cessation and gender equity. Contact 
Ballan District health and care

33 Cowie Street, Ballan. Phone 5368 1100

  • Community health nursing
  • Counselling and welfare
  • Allied health - Podiatry, Physiotherapy, Psychology, Counselling, Dietetics, Occupational Therapy
  • Aged care - accredited aged care facility
  • District nursing
  • Acute medical service
BacchusMarsh and Melton Regional Hospital

Grant Street, Bacchus Marsh 5367 2000

Do care social, support program

Providing social support for people who are frail aged and people with a disability 5333 3179

Do Care

Providing social support for people who are frail aged. Do Care services include social activities, Bus trips, nibble and natter, monthly lunches.

Phone 5333 3179 or 5331 1473

ACSO connect
Connecting to alcohol and other drug treatments services
Call intake and assessment service on1300 022 760(Mon-Fri 9am -5pmor direct line 1800 888 236 out of hours

Bacchus Marsh RSL email or phone 5367 1855

Ballan RSL email

 Men's Shed

Bacchus Marsh Men’s Shed

Ballan Men's Shed