Complaints and feedback for Active Ageing
If you have a concern or you are not satisfied with a service, please do not hesitate to contact us. All complaints are dealt with fairly, equitably, and without retribution.
Complaints and feedback
When should I raise a complaint or provide feedback?
We encourage you to contact a member of the team as soon as you become aware of an issue that needs addressing. Similarly, please contact us if you would like to provide any feedback about the services you receive.
With whom should I raise my complaint?
We request that you raise a complaint with us. Please do not raise a complaint with Community Support Staff directly. We will discuss your concerns with you and work to resolve them.
Your issue will be documented and, in some instances, may be able to be resolved immediately. For non-urgent issues, you will be contacted within 2 business days. If you consider your issue to be urgent, every effort will be made to have the appropriate person contact you within the day.
Contact details
You can call the Active Ageing team on 03 5366 7100.
Or you can complete the Active Ageing & Diversity Complaints and Feedback form(DOC, 368KB) .
You can email the form to us at:
Our postal address or to visit in person:
Darley Civic and Community Hub
182 Halletts Way,
Darley, Victoria 3340
Lerderderg Library - Customer Service
215 Main Street,
Bacchus Marsh, Victoria 3340
Complex issues
If the issue is complex, please contact the Manager of Active Ageing and Diversity on 5366 7100 to arrange a time to discuss your issues without feeling rushed. You may also choose to bring an advocate or a family member with you to assist you through the process.
If you are raising a concern on behalf of someone else, make sure the person or their representative knows about it and has consented to you lodging the complaint on their behalf.
If your concern is not resolved, you may direct your concerns to any of the following:
General Manager Social and Organisational Development
Moorabool Shire Council
PO Box 18
Ballan Vic 3342
The Chief Executive Officer
Moorabool Shire Council
PO Box 18
Ballan Vic 3342
Ombudsman Victoria
Level 9, 459 Collins Street
Melbourne Vic 3000
1800 806 314 or via website
Alternatively you can contact:
Aged Care Complaints Commissioner on an open, confidential or anonymous basis by phoning:
1800 550 552 TTY 1800 555 677
The Complaints Commissioner provides a free service for anyone to raise concerns about the quality of care or services delivered and is independent of the Department of Health.
Aged Care Information Line
Phone: 1800 500 853 TTY 1800 555 677
Disability Service Commissioner
Phone: 1800 677 342 TTY 1300 726 563
Disability Services Commissioner
Human Rights Unit - Department of Justice
24/121 Exhibition St
Melbourne VIC 3000
Tel: 03 8684 0859
Fax: 03 8684 7500