
We support kindergarten providers in Moorabool through the coordination of Kindergarten Central Registration and the management of Council-owned buildings. This work is guided by Council's Kindergarten Central Registration Policy 2025(PDF, 259KB)

The State Government provides free kindergarten for all Victorian three- and four-year-old children at participating services. For more information about this initiative, including information about what year your child can commence kindergarten, please visit the Best Start, Best Life reforms website.

Council manages the registration and allocation of both three- and four-year-old kindergarten to the following kindergarten services:

  • Bacchus Marsh Montessori Uniting Kindergarten
  • Darley Kindergarten
  • West Maddingley Kindergarten
  • Young Street Preschool
  • Ballan Community Kindergarten
  • Ballan Early Education
  • Wallace and District Kindergarten

Kindergarten services manage enrolment, coordinate tours, and determine group session times and orientation activities.

Kindergarten Registration

Registrations are currently being taken for the 2025 kindergarten year, registrations for 2026 will open on the 3rd of March 2025.

Please click here to register your child for kindergarten.

A registration form is required for each individual child being registered.

Only one registration form should be submitted. 

To update or change registration details or kindergarten preferences, contact the Early Years team via email

Key dates for kindergarten registration are:

Round One

March - May

Round one registrations for the following kindergarten year will be accepted from the start of March and close at the end of May

Round One Offers

1st week in June

Round one offers will be sent via email at the beginning of June

Round Two

June – July

Round two registrations for the following kindergarten year will be accepted from the start of June and close at the end of July

Round Two Offers

1st week in August

Round two offers will be sent via email at the beginning of August


Kindergarten Information Session

To support families through the kindergarten registration process, Council's Early Years team and other expert panellists hosted a live Kindergarten Information Session.

The session aims to help families navigate the kindergarten registration process and understand the value of early childhood education. It will also provide guidance on some frequently asked questions families may have about starting kindergarten and what supports are available. 

View the recorded presentation below.


How old does my child need to be for kindergarten ?

4-year-old kindergarten

Your child must be four years old by 30 April in the year your child attends kindergarten to be eligible for a funded 4-year-old kindergarten place.

3-year-old kindergarten

Your child must be three years old by 30 April in the year your child attends kindergarten to be eligible for a funded 3-year-old kindergarten place.

Children born between January and April have a choice on which year to attend 3-year-old kindergarten - either the year they turn three or the following year when they turn four. Decisions on when to start your child will be up to the individual families, and factors that might be taken into consideration include the individual child’s developmental and learning levels, family circumstances and potential school starting ages.


When should I send my child to kindergarten?

The Department of Education has developed two easy to use calculators, one to assist in finding the year your child can start kindergarten based on their age and the second to help you check your child’s eligibility for Pre-Prep. To use these calculators, visit: Sending your child to kinder |

From 2025 four-year-old Kindergarten is gradually transitioning to Pre-Prep as part of the Best Start Best Life reform. This will occur in stages as it is rolled out across the state. Access to Pre-Prep is determined by a range of factors including your child’s birth date, local government area and priority of access.

For further information on Pre-Prep visit:
Four-Year-Old Kindergarten is becoming Pre-Prep | 


What do I need to register?

The registration form will ask you for contact details, information about your child including factors that might prioritise your child’s allocation to a kindergarten.

Moorabool Shire Council follows the Priority of Access guidelines that supports the inclusion of children with additional needs, children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background, asylum seeker and refugee families with an appropriate visa, and children known to Child Protection.

To complete the kindergarten registration form, make sure you have:

  • Proof of residence: a utilities bill, rental agreement or rates notice with your family name and address (this must be the main residence of your child)
  • Concession cards and immigration visas (where applicable)
  • Documents from Family Support Services or a Maternal and Child Health nurse confirming high support needs and/or disability, or letter from a doctor for complex medical needs (where applicable)


How many hours per week is kindergarten?

Kindergarten hours and session times are informed by the Department of Education and the kindergarten service provider.  

For children attending 3-year-old kindergarten, participating kindergartens provide a free kinder program of up to 15 hours each week. 

For children attending 4-year-old kindergarten, participating kindergartens provide a free kinder program of 15 hours each week. 


Kindergarten Mythbusters

Do you have questions about kindergarten?

Learn all about what is fact and what is fiction by reading our Kindergarten-Mythbusters.pdf(PDF, 1MB) factsheet.


Participating kindergartens

Bacchus Marsh Montessori Uniting Kindergarten
176 Gisborne Road, Darley Victoria, 3340

(03) 5367 7706

View the Bacchus Marsh Montessori Uniting Kindergarten website


Darley Kindergarten
182 Halletts Way, Darley Victoria, 3340 

(03) 5367 8605

View the Darley Kindergarten website


West Maddingley Kindergarten 
Cnr McCormacks and Gladman Rds Maddingley 3340

(03) 4317 4723

View the West Maddingley Kindergarten website


Young Street Preschool
Corner of Young and Bennett Street, Bacchus Marsh Victoria, 3340 

(03) 5367 2443

View the Young Street Preschool website


Ballan Community Kindergarten
88 Simpson Street, Ballan Victoria, 3342

(03) 5368 1228

View the Ballan & District Preschool website


Ballan Early Education
8-14 Duncan Street, Ballan Victoria 3342

(03) 5368 1228

View the Ballan Primary School Kindergarten website


Wallace and District Kindergarten 
739 Bungaree - Wallace Road, Wallace Victoria, 3352

(03) 5334 0268

View the Wallace and District Kindergarten website


Non-participating kindergartens

Some long day care centres within Moorabool offer access to funded kindergarten programs, integrated within their sessions. Please contact your preferred centre for more information.


AMIGA Montessori Maddingley

Shop 101, Level 1/4A McCormacks Rd, Maddingley VIC 3340

(03) 4328 6100

Click here to visit website


Aussie Kindies Early Learning Bacchus Marsh

59-63 Grey St, Darley VIC 3340

(03) 5367 3822

Click here to visit website


Bacchus Marsh Childcare & Kindergarten Centre

6 Clifton Dr, Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340

(03) 5367 3936

Click here to visit website


Future Kids Childcare and Kindergarten

6 Lismore Circuit, Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340

(03) 7037 5002

Click here to visit website


Journey Early Learning Centre Bacchus Marsh

3A Graham St, Bacchus Marsh VIC 3340

(03) 9005 4650

Click here to visit website


Mayfield Early Learning Maddingley

16-18 Harry Vallence Dr, Maddingley VIC 3340

(03) 4317 4701

Click here to visit website


Milestones Early Learning Ballan

88A Simpson St, Ballan VIC 3342

(03) 5368 1665

Click here to visit website


Pentland Childcare & Kindergarten Centre

138 Halletts Way, Darley VIC 3340

(03) 5367 5248

Click here to visit website


Story House Early Learning Telford Park

269 Halletts Way, Darley VIC 3340

(03) 5367 1230

Click here to visit website


Yaluk Burron Early Learning

14 Stead St, Ballan VIC 3342

(03) 5368 1628

Click here to visit website