Supported Playgroups

Smalltalk supported playgroups are a free program for families across Victoria with children from birth to school age.

A qualified facilitator leads these engaging sessions where parents develop their skills and confidence to support their child’s wellbeing and development. 

It starts with smalltalk. The smalltalk program instructs on some simple practical strategies that help your child feel safe and nurtured; that helps their language, communication, and social skills develop; and that really get them interested in the world around them.

There's even an opportunity to learn and practise these strategies in your own home, with one-on-one support.

At supported playgroups, parents and children enjoy a range of play opportunities and activities together. Parents also find out about local services and support networks in the community.

Smalltalk supported playgroups are state funded.

Priority will be given to:

  • Families with children aged 0-5 years who hold a Health Care Card or another eligible card/visa
  • Families in which a family member identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Families looking after children in kinship care arrangements (out of home care)
  • Families that have been referred or supported by Enhanced Maternal and Child Health Services
  • Families that have been referred or supported by Child FIRST/Child Protection


If you are a parent/guardian or service provider, complete this referral form: Early Years Referral Form - My Moorabool

If you would like more information email or