Gardens for Wildlife program

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Gardens for Wildlife is a community and volunteer led program that helps people create habitats for native plants and animals in their gardens, no matter how big or small.

The program connects gardeners who want to support wildlife and learn more about the biodiversity of Moorabool Shire. Many endangered species live in urban areas, and our gardens can make a difference for their survival.

  • We have Garden Guides who can visit your garden, give you tips on how to attract more wildlife, and write a report with suggestions.
  • We run workshops where you can meet other gardeners and exchange ideas.

As native habitats become more isolated and fragmented, many animals are unable to move between them and find food and shelter. Our gardens can provide safe havens or 'stepping-stones' for wildlife that need to travel across the landscape. They can offer them protection, rest and resources to continue their journey. That's why our gardening choices can make a big difference for our local species. By creating a wildlife-friendly garden with plants and features that they need, we can contribute to their conservation.

Gardens are not only good for wildlife, but also for our health and well-being. They give us a chance to enjoy nature and relax. Our volunteers are passionate about gardening and conservation, and they welcome anyone who wants to join this program.

Want to join the mailing list? Head to this link here: Mailing List Form

Contact Gardens for Wildlife

Website: Moorabool Gardens for Wildlife
