Get support
Get in touch with our Environment Department for advice, contacts, and Landcare information. We can help with information about farm forestry, land management, revegetation lists, and where to get native plants.

How can we help?
Our Environment Department can help you with general environmental, contacts and Landcare information. This includes farm forestry, land management, revegetation lists, and indigenous nurseries.
Our Land Management Information Pack is free to residents.
To obtain your pack email
Or give us a call on 5366 7100.
Programs for managing native vegetation on your property
Helping you promote native vegetation practices that provide real benefits.
State government initiatives
The Vic Government has developed an approach called EcoMarkets that incentivises sustainable land management.
Bush Tender
BushTender is an auction-based approach. Successful bids receive periodic payments for managing actions under agreements signed with DLWP.
For more information visit the bush Tender page.
Carbon Farming Initiative
The Federal Government’s Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) allows you to earn carbon credits by storing carbon or reducing greenhouse gas emissions on the land. These credits can then be sold to people and businesses wishing to offset their emissions.
For more information visit the Department of Agriculture website.
Grow West’s vision is to rejuvenate 10,000 hectares of the upper Werribee catchment through a mosaic of works on private property. Grow West is interested to hear from landowners and working farmers that will help them control pest plants and animals and improve the productivity of their land.
For more information visit the Grow West website.
Healthy Hectares
Healthy Hectares is a brilliant resource for landholders put together by a suite of Landcare experts in the Moorabool Shire. The guide is designed to assist landholders in assessing their land and managing it in a way that protects and enhances the natural environment. It covers topics such as how to plan for improvement, soil, water, biodiversity, pests and pasture.
You can download this invaluable resource here.(PDF, 6MB)
Land for Wildlife
Land for Wildlife is a voluntary scheme managed by the Department of Environment and Primary industries. It helps you to provide wildlife habitat, even if your property may be managed primarily for other purposes.
To qualify for membership, your property should be managed in a way that pursues the enhancement of native flora and fauna.
For more information visit the Land for Wildlife website
See our list of contact information for local groups.
Stream Frontage Management Program
The Melbourne Water Stream Frontage Management Program provides funding to improve the environmental value of waterways. The program provides grants for fencing, revegetation, weed control, and off-stream stock watering.
For more information visit the Melbourne Water website
A Conservation Covenant is an agreement between the landowner and Trust for Nature. The aim of the covenant is to permanently protect the natural values of the land. Landholders can also access a range of services through Trust for Nature to help develop the covenant.
For more information visit the Trust for Nature website.
Related Information
Connect with Local Environment Groups
Significant Roadside Vegetation