The Shire boasts an extraordinary range of vegetation communities due to the different soil types and considerable variation in rainfall across the shire. Many of these vegetation communities are now only represented on roadsides.
It is a collection of plant types that generally appear in groups in a certain location.
Roadsides are used and managed by many different people and organisations for various purposes. Grazing, slashing, spraying, removing rocks and firewood can adversely affect the native vegetation. Some of these actions require prior approval from Council.
Our Roadside Management Plan provides an ongoing resource to identify and maintain our roadsides.
Please contact us for more information or download the Roadside Action Plan(PDF, 2MB).
Councils are responsible for most road reserves in their municipality and must make decisions on appropriate road management. Often in consultation with other authorities. VicRoads is responsible for the highways and main arterial roads.
You can play a role in looking after roadside reserves and the native plants and animals that live there by protecting native vegetation and controlling weeds. Rocks, hollow logs and native vegetation provide habitat for native animals. Try to avoid the temptation to "clean it up". A mown roadside has little conservation or habitat value. Nature isn't "tidy", you can appreciate and enjoy natural environments as they are, rather than attempt to modify them.
Permission from Moorabool Shire is needed for the collection of firewood from roadsides under their management. VicRoads do not currently allow firewood collection on roadsides they manage.
Before land managers can undertake weed treatment work or other activities along roadsides, approval is required from local councils.
If land managers intend to move livestock along roadsides, prior approval is required from local council. Permanent grazing is prohibited on high and medium conservation sections of road.
Prior to collecting native seed on roadsides you are required to get a permit from the Flora and Fauna within the Department of Sustainability and Environment and receive permission from the Moorabool Shire Council, Environment Officer by contacting (03) 5366 7100.
No works may be conducted on a roadside without a permit. Removal of sand, soil, gravel or other material by the public is prohibited on all roads.
RevegetationGet support
Roadside Action Plan(PDF, 2MB)