The rates you pay, combined with service fees and charges and grant revenue from State and Federal Governments, help fund services and infrastructure throughout our municipality.
View the 2021 Revenue and Rating Plan here.
How are my rates calculated?
Council bases its rate calculation on the Capital Improved Value (CIV) of each individual property. The formula for calculating general rates, excluding any additional charges or arrears, is as follows:
General Rates = CIV x Rate in the CIV Dollar
The rate in the CIV dollar is set by Council as part of its annual budget process and may include differential rates for different types of properties.
2024/25 Rate Calculator(XLSX, 48KB)
What is a differential rate?
A differential rate is determined by the primary use of the property. Each category has a different rate in the dollar for the rate calculation, creating a fairer distribution of rates across properties within the municipality.
On some occasions, a property may have multiple uses which, may result in a second rateable assessment being created for the property.
Council has set the following differential rates which are explained in summary. Full differential rate definitions can be found in Council's annual budget.
Please get in touch with the team if you have any queries regarding your rates.
What are the other charges on my rates notice?