Bald Hill Activation Project

Located in Bacchus Marsh, the Bald Hill Activation Project will transform the region into an attractive tourist destination.

The Bald Hill Activation Plan – Feasibility Study was received by Council at the Ordinary Meeting of Council in February 2020 and identified a range of potential opportunities for the reserve including Mountain Bike trails, All Abilities and sculptural walking trails, open air events space and a restaurant.  

Activation of the site will not only service the local community of Moorabool Shire but will also attract visitors from Melbourne, regional Victoria, and interstate. 

The Bald Hill Activation Plan will be delivered across several stages, two of which have already been completed.

Click here to view the Bald Hill Activation Plan(PDF, 9MB)

Stage 1 -1000+ Steps


This project saw the establishment of a 1000+ steps walk that links the residential area close to Halletts Way with the peak of the nearby Bald Hill.  The link terminates in a lookout that will also be a future entry point to a larger Bald Hill active recreation development.  

Funding of $750,000 was secured from Regional Development Victoria to enable construction of the 1000+ steps and lookout, with the project costing $1.45 million.




Construction on the project commenced in September 2021. Works included the construction of the steps, rest stops, a lookout structure, road crossings and landscaping along the route.  

Works were completed by June 2022.



Stage 2 -  All-Abilities Sculpture Trail


This stage built on the previous investment for the Bacchus Marsh 1000+ steps through the construction of an All-Abilities sculpture trail located on the Telford Park Reserve, which creates an additional opportunity for visitors all ages and abilities to have a unique experience.   




Construction commenced September 2022 and was completed by October 2023. The total cost of this project was $2.13 million.


Stage 3 - Summit Trail
This project will see the installation of 1000+ steps winding their way along the existing walking track to the top of Bald Hill, enhancing opportunities for exercise and recreation, and creating new spaces for artistic expression.

The third stage of the Activation Plan sees the development of a new carpark and all abilities loop trail at the summit of Bald Hill to take advantage of the breathtaking 360-degree panoramic views at the site and to become a major visitor attraction for Bacchus Marsh.

It will deliver strategic tourism infrastructure to activate the summit of Bald Hill. An all-abilities trail featuring lookout nodes and thematic sculptures, will afford visitors with unparalleled views of the Moorabool landscape and beyond towards Melbourne. The specific infrastructure to be provided - which will increase visitation, improve the quality of customer experience, and increase visitor yield and length of stay - includes:

  • All abilities trail at Bald Hill summit: the trail is designed to capture 360 degree views across Moorabool and back towards Melbourne. The all-abilities trail is designed to be accessible and enjoyable for people of different abilities and will have minimal gradients to support ease of access across the reserve.
  • Viewing points: formal viewing points will be located along the trail to take advantage of the stunning panoramic views from the top of the hill.
  • Sculpture trail: six thematically designed sculptures will be located at strategic locations along the trail and provide a link to the sculpture trail provided at the base of the 1000+ Steps at Telford Park.
  • Connection to 1000+ Steps: the summit all-abilities trail will be a continuation of the 1000+ Steps (Stage 1) and Telford Park all-abilities trail (Stage 2) giving visitors who commence their journey at Telford Park with a relaxing loop trail before descending the 1000+ Steps.
  • Summit amenities and facilities: a gathering area at the start of the summit trail, adjacent to the summit car park, will greet visitors with a shelter, tables, seating, accessible toilets, wayfinding and interpretive signage.
  • Carpark and access: a formal car park and associated road will be constructed off Swans Road and will provide the formal entry to the Bald Hill summit.

The total stage 3 budget is $2,795,700, with the State Government contributing $2,116,775. 


Construction commenced in April 2024 and will be completed early 2025.

January 2025 Update

Footpaths are complete and all shelters and outdoor furniture installed. All other civil works (including carpark, toilet and ancillary works) will be complete in early February 2025.

All other landscaping works (planting) and sculptures will be completed and installed by April 2025


Stage 4 - Future activation works

The proposed uses for Bald Hill as a complete project include cycle trails, walking trails and an adventure park, plus spaces for events, picnics, and food and beverage offerings. The revitalisation of this natural asset into a fully-fledged eco-tourism experience is estimated to attract about 347,000 visitors annually when all stages are complete, including 195,088 visitors from outside the residential catchment, and 152,111 from within the catchment.

The project will provide employment for 43 people and generate $3.3 million in economic activity.

From a tourism perspective, the activation of Bald Hill aligns with the objectives of the State Government’s Visitor Economy Strategy by contributing to a number of priority areas identified, including building on the tourism potential for regional and rural Victoria, better tourism infrastructure and improved access into and around Victoria.

Further exciting opportunities and projects to come as part of the Bald Hill Activation Project