Telstra is undertaking maintenance work on our phone system this weekend. If you call between the hours of 10pm tonight (Friday) and 10am tomorrow (Saturday), you may experience issues. If this occurs, please phone 1300 667 100, which will divert to our regular phone menu. We apologise for any inconvenience.
If your event (except small family gatherings) will be held in Moorabool Shire, you must apply for a Council Event Permit (public land) or a Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) Occupancy permit (public or private land). Permits assist Council in ensuring events held in streets, parks, and gardens are professionally organised and safely managed.
To assist you in streamlining this, we have outlined the step-by-step process.
The guide, which can be downloaded from the panel on the right, is to help event organisers and community groups in determining:
The guide also:
Event organisers are responsible for confirming the availability, suitability, and reservation of a venue with the relevant body.
Submission of an application does not reserve the venue space requested.
Along with the completed online application, you will need to upload:
The permit application must be submitted according to the below minimum notice period. The below is a guide only with early applications desired and welcome. Application deadline timeframes are to be calculated before the intended event marketing begins. For example, if proposing to host a low impact event, the application must be submitted to Council 8 weeks prior to commencing advertising, not 8 weeks prior to the event date. Permit applications made outside the minimum notice period will not be considered.
If your event requires a POPE, please do not complete a separate POPE application, a link will be sent to you upon review of the online application.
A Place of Public Entertainment (POPE) Occupancy Permit is often required for events that need to temporarily occupy a building or public space for a public event. Place of Public Entertainment permits have a checklist of requirements that event organisers must meet to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the people attending has been considered.
To apply for a event or occupancy permit please use the online form.
Apply to hold an event
Submit your application via email to
You can submit your application at any of the following locations:
Ballan Office 15 Stead Street, Ballan Open: Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm
Darley Civic and Community Hub 182 Halletts Way, Darley Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm
Lerderderg Library 215 Main Street, Bacchus Marsh Open: Monday to Friday 8.30am-5pm Saturday 9am-2pm
Mail your application to PO Box 18, Ballan, Victoria 3342
Once you have lodged the online application:
Frequently asked questions
You do not need an event permit for a small family celebration. Please keep in mind Council cannot reserve an area in the park for you.
Such gatherings in a public park or area include:
No items should be pegged into the ground as this can cause underground damage.
Public or ticketed events held on private land do not require an Event Permit. Depending on the nature of the event and its expected attendance, other permits may be required.
Read our Community Event Guide to understand the requirements of hosting a safe and successful event.
Permits you may need:
It is the event organiser's responsibility to ensure all permits are received. For further clarification, please contact Council’s Economic Development Officer.
From 1 April 2024, the temporary use and/or changes to roads and footpaths, must be conducted by a Department of Transport and Planning (VicRoads) Traffic Management Accredited company. Only companies with accreditation will be able to work on roads managed by Department of Transport and Planning (VicRoads) and Moorabool Shire Council. Click here for further information on accredited companies.
Application processFor temporary changes to traffic conditions on roads managed by Moorabool Shire Council, the event organiser must submit a Memorandum of Authorisation (MoA) along with a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) for review. Temporary changes to roads managed by Department of Transport and Planning (VicRoads) must follow Department of Transport and Planning (VicRoads) processes.
It is important to ensure event and activities are accessible, inclusive, and welcoming for everyone.
Consider those living with a disability, parents with prams, carers, older adults, and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
Read the Accessible Events checklist in the panel on the right for further information.
Event planners may borrow our Sustainable Events Trailer (SET) to manage waste and recycling at events.
The SET holds a set of four recycling and four garbage bins. After your event, empty out the bins at any of our transfer stations for no charge.
For further information and to book the SET for your event, click here. This can be requested when lodging the online event permit application.
Public events in Victoria must take place under the Victorian Government COVIDSafe settings. Click here for more information.
Online Application
Community Event Guide(PDF, 1MB)
How to use Greenlight Permit Manager, Events Module(PDF, 1MB)